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Qu'est-ce que c'est ce punk fiction?

What is this punk fiction?

Similar to the ethos of its music counterpart, punk fiction doesn't ask for permission. It's not seeking approval from gatekeepers and those who don't get it. It's not for everyone. It's not trying to get a pat on the head from media that's aligned with corporate and political interests. It's not trying to be anything other than itself. It's not afraid of being different. It's not accepting the mainstream narrative. But above all, it's not here to people-please.


What is it? It's breaking the rules and starting your own shit. It's a grassroots operation. It's always broke. It's messy. It's independent thought. It's smiling at the naysayers. It's imperfect. It's street smart. It's observing pop culture. It's that record that defined you. It's Kurt Cobain wearing a 'Corporate Magazines Still Suck' t-shirt on the cover of Rolling Stone. It's the playlist you made for someone. It's taking risks. It's listening to your gut. It's writing from the heart. It's real. 

It's punk fiction. 

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